
Kelly Lee

Cornell CS '23

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About Me

I'm a senior studying Computer Science at Cornell University.
I have internship experiences in software engineering at Zocdoc and IBM,
and I'm currently looking for full-time SWE positions for new grads.
If you'd like to talk more about my experiences or interests, I'd be happy to connect.
I believe that technological innovations can shape our lives for the better, and I'm eager to be part of the change.

Course Work

Introduction to Computing using Python

CS 1110

Introduces programming and problem-solving using Python. Emphasizes principles of software development, style, and testing. Topics include an operational model of Python execution, procedures and functions, iteration, recursion, lists, strings, algorithms, exceptions, object-oriented programming, and GUIs (graphical user interfaces). Assignments use graphics and GUIs to help develop fluency and understanding.

Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures

CS 2110

Intermediate programming in a high-level language and introduction to computer science. Topics include program structure and organization, object-oriented programming (classes, objects, types, sub-typing), graphical user interfaces, algorithm analysis (asymptotic complexity, big “O” notation), recursion, data structures (lists, trees, stacks, queues, heaps, search trees, hash tables, graphs), graph algorithms. Java is the principal programming language.

Discrete Structures

CS 2800

Covers the mathematics that underlies most of computer science. Topics include mathematical induction; logical proof; propositional and predicate calculus; combinatorics and discrete mathematics; some basic elements of basic probability theory; basic number theory; sets, functions, and relations; graphs; and finite-state machines. These topics are discussed in the context of applications to many areas of computer science, such as the RSA cryptosystem and web searching.

Functional Programming and Data Structures

CS 3110

Advanced programming course that emphasizes functional programming techniques and data structures. Programming topics include recursive and higher-order procedures, models of programming language evaluation and compilation, type systems, and polymorphism. Data structures and algorithms covered include graph algorithms, balanced trees, memory heaps, and garbage collection. Also covers techniques for analyzing program performance and correctness.

Computer Vision

CS 4670

An in-depth introduction to computer vision. The goal of computer vision is to compute properties of our world-the 3D shape of an environment, the motion of objects, the names of people or things-through analysis of digital images or videos. The course covers a range of topics, including 3D reconstruction, image segmentation, object recognition, and vision algorithms fro the Internet, as well as key algorithmic, optimization, and machine learning techniques, such as graph cuts, non-linear least squares, and deep learning. This course emphasizes hands-on experience with computer vision, and several large programming projects.

Computer System Organization and Programming

CS 3410

Introduction to computer organization, systems programming and the hardware/ software interface. Topics include instruction sets, computer arithmetic, datapath design, data formats, addressing modes, memory hierarchies including caches and virtual memory, I/O devices, bus-based I/O systems, and multicore architectures. Students learn assembly language programming and design a pipelined RISC processor.

Introduction to Database Systems

CS 4320

Introduction to modern database and data storage systems. Concepts covered include data models, query languages, database designs, storage structures, access methods, query processing and optimization, transaction management, and recovery in both relational and nonrelation data storage systems.

Artificial Intelligence

CS 4700

Challenging introduction to the major subareas and current research directions in artificial intelligence. Topics include: knowledge representation, heuristic search, problem solving, natural-language processing, game-playing, logic and deduction, planning, and machine learning.

Practicum in Artificial Intelligence

CS 4701

Project portion of CS 4700. Topics include knowledge representation systems, search procedures, game-playing, automated reasoning, concept learning, reinforcement learning, neural nets, genetics algorithms, planning, and truth maintenance.

Operating Systems

CS 4410

Introduction to the design of systems programs, with emphasis on multiprogrammed operating systems. Topics include concurrency, synchronization, deadlocks, memory management, protection, input-output methods, networking, file systems and security. The impact of network and distributed computing environments on operating systems is also discussed.

Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

CS 4820

Develops techniques used in the design and analysis of algorithms, with an emphasis on problems arising in computing applications. Example applications are drawn from systems and networks, artificial intelligence, computer vision, data mining, and computational biology. This course covers four major algorithm design techniques (greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and network flow), undecidability and NP-completeness, and algorithmic techniques for intractable problems (including identification of structured special cases , approximation algorithms, local search heuristics, and online algorithms).



A game that is a replica of Frogger, an interactive game that moves
the frog across the lanes depending on user key press. Fully coded in Python, this application follows model-view-controller pattern and is animated using coroutines.

View Project Demo Video


An interactive game where the player navigates a ship to dodge obstacles
through key press. Created using Ocaml with all origianl images digitally drawn.
Features include a leaderboard updated by users on git, items with different functionalities, randomly moving icebergs, and a shark that follows the ship.

View Project Demo Video
View Project Github Repo


An AI Chatbot service for Cornellians capable of small talk and providing
information on academic calendar and campus buildings.
Created using Feed Forward Neural Networks with SentenceTransformers library to compute natural-language input to Sentence-BERT embeddings.

View Project Live Demo

View Project Github Repo


  • Python
  • Java
  • Ocaml
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript

  • C
  • React.js
  • C#
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Photography
  • Translation
  • Ukulele
  • Whistling

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